Deaf Awareness Weekend

Deaf Awareness Weekend

16th Saturday – The Lawrenceville Boogie (Lawrenceville Lawn – Gazebo) – 3pm
17th Sunday – A Tribute to Franklin Eaves – During both services


September is Deaf Awareness Month

September is Deaf Awareness Month and International Week of the Deaf begins September 20.

The first International Day of the Deaf was first celebrated by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) in 1958. The day of awareness was later extended to a full week, becoming the International Week of the Deaf, observed annually throughout the last full week of September (to commemorate the first World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, which took place in September 1951).

The purpose of Deaf Awareness Month is to increase public awareness of Deaf issues, people, and culture. The week focuses on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion, and raising awareness of the organizations locally, nationally and globally that support those who are deaf.

Tips for Communicating with People Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing

From VeryWellHealth:

  • Make sure to obtain the person’s attention before trying to communicate.
  • Ensure lighting is good; bright enough to see well but not creating shadows on the speaker’s face or shining directly in the other person’s eyes.
  • If speaking, do so clearly and at a normal volume. Do not exaggerate mouth movements or facial expressions. If you have a mustache/beard, be sure it is well-trimmed. Do not cover your mouth with your hands.
  • Check for understanding. If there is a breakdown in communication, figure out another way to say, spell, or write down the main ideas.

Learn more


Sep 16 2023


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