Greetings Fellow Servants of God,
As God is ordering your steps are you ready for your next “Marching Orders”?
The New Mercies Bridging The Gap Outreach team will serve the community every 4th Saturday.
This is an all-day event so please dress comfortably. We try not to eat as we go to serve but if you must, please pack lightly as we will not have access to restrooms along the way.
Where: Youth Building, 9:45a
_____ Extended Stay – 1990 Williow Trail Pkwy., Norcross, GA
Attire: ANY NMCC Tee-shirt (although, matching attire is not critical…)
This is our opportunity to leave the security of the sanctuary under the safety of the spirit and serve our savior in the streets.
Won’t you join us in His Service?
Elder Wayne Tyus, Director of Outreach
For more information email us at